jazzmaszat 2011.12.24. 15:34

2011 Final

                     Itt a 2011-es Tim Burton hetek vége, itt a karácsony! Nagyon jó szórakozás volt ez a majdnem két hét ebben a varázslatos világban! Arról nem is beszélve, hogy…

the last one - here is the last member of the season...this film is very special for me...have fun!                  

Christmas is coming soon...but before...here is a little nightmare story...a lovely nightmare story with the pumpkin King, Jack Skeleton! :)Have fun!              

                  Never forget! Never forgive!



                         Today is usually Burton's film with usually caracters! Usually? Really? :D

                            Today is something really different, different like the other films of Burton...this is a usually action film with an american…

jazzmaszat 2011.12.16. 21:45

December 16. - 9


                          and now something different...a little magic, something in a general Burton's world...a little dark, and a little colorful...usually caracters…

                        after yesterday's humor...a love story coming...Tim Burton's styleenjoy! ;-)

          Entertainment imagine is from the life the Universum. But this is not a real world...this is Tim Burton's World! :DHave fun! 


 Yesterday was the coolest Batman film, Batman Forever...i very like it!but today will come something different, something evil, something haunted, something what isn't alive...something beetle...BEETLEJUICE…


[the films of] Tim Burton from Kees van Dijkhuizen jr. on Vimeo. 

jazzmaszat 2011.12.10. 20:47

Batman forever

                       Now, everybody knows which is the first member of this seasonOf course, Batman foreverGreat job of the Dreamer, and geniuses forming from the actorsi like this…


  Vote in Facebook! What is your favourite Tim Burton's film! Check in our facebook page!First film coming soon!! What do u think which is the first?Start 11.12(Szavazás facebook oldalunkon! Melyikek a kedvenc Tim Burton filmjeitek? Az első film nemsokára! Mit gondoltok melyik lesz…

Now will be held the Tim Burton's week third time in this year's advent. :) Every people, who's join this event, will watch in his home the film what we post in this page. And after she will write about her opinion in a comment! Yes, this is like a book club, but who cares ? :D Yearly,…

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